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SweepsDB - Raised | Crafted | Proven American Giveaway
Just an FYI! This contest has already ended

Contest Description

Ended 382 Days 20 Hours ago

We\u2019re thrilled to announce the launch of the RAISED | CRAFTED | PROVEN American Giveaway today!We\u2019ve teamed up with Grilla Grills, Origin, and JOCKO Fuel to bring you one of the greatest opportunities you see on the internet this year.To enter, follow the giveaway link in our bio.You\u2019ll have a chance to win a bundled Steak Lovers and Epic Smoker box from us, a Silverbac All-Terrain Pellet Grill from Grilla Grills, your choice of American-made hoodie, jeans, and pair of boots from Origin, and last but not least, a $200 gift card to buy your favorite energy from JOCKO Fuel.
Offered By: Colorado Craft Beef (https://www.coloradocraftbeef.com)

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