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SweepsDB - Terri Reed February
Just an FYI! This contest has already ended

Contest Description

Ended 458 Days 8 Hours ago

Terri Reed's Book + BN Gift Card Giveaway for a Suspense Reader like YOU!
Terri Reed has a new book out in February that you won't want to miss. To celebrate FORCED TO HIDE's release, Terri is giving away a $10 Barnes & Noble Gift Card plus a backlist title for your reading pleasure.

A bomber is on the loose.
Will they be his next victims?
When multiple bombs tear through a courtroom, deputy US marshal Brian Forrester must assume guard duty of Judge Adele Weston. Someone wants her dead. Is it the cartel leader whose case she’s presiding over or an unknown killer from her past? With danger trailing them through the Texas countryside, they’ll have to find a safe haven before the next explosion finishes them off.
Order FORCED TO HIDE: Amazon.com | Kindle | BN.com | Apple Books | Kobo | Google Play | Powell's Books | Books-A-Million | Indie BookShops | Amazon CA | Amazon UK | Amazon DE | Amazon FR

Contest Host: Fresh Fiction

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